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Y comenzamos hablando de arte.
Una de nuestras profesoras, Ana Perez, licenciada en Bellas Artes, nos habla de
una de sus artistas favoritas, la británica Lucy McLauchland. Además, podrás
practicar con este ejercicio de Reading y aprender, seguro, mucho vocabulario.
¿Quieres conocerla?
Over the course of centuries, mankind has known great masterpieces from different periods. All of us know artists such as Rafael, Leonardo, Picasso, Warhol… This kind of artists used to paint with the same materials although some of them were pioneering in some techniques. However, Art, nowadays, has changed a lot.
On the one hand, currently, artists create their pieces with new items in accordance with these times, for instance, renewable materials or even organic wastes. On the other hand, women are becoming to take into account and they are playing an important role in this artistic world, because, what happens with the female side?
That is the case of Lucy McLauchland, a British contemporary artist from Birmingham, England; whose art has started to be recognised in that complicated world. Lucy decided to break the rules and develop a little-known art style. We can consider Lucy as a multifaceted artist, since she has developed skills in photography, animation and painting among others.
Lucy, inspired by the Nature in her pieces, has achieved to show her passion in places such as London, Rome, Berlin or Moscow. She is keen on painting with permanent materials, for example, marker pens or ink. Furthermore, she deeply believes in an anti-consumerist world. For that reason, she also reuses items like old paintings and pictures. As a result, she offers monochromatic murals and paintings, well known in museums or streets. A great range of styles are recognizable and have influenced her techniques (Naturalism, Art Decó or Contemporary Female figurative work).
The most interesting pieces are those painted on walls or any surface. These outer layers contrast perfectly with the compositions created by Lucy, mostly birds and faces which, sometimes, interact with each other. Besides, she shows her masterpieces in galleries where she performs as well.
Apart from this, as Lucy is such a great artist, she has co-founded ‘Beat 13’ with another artist, like a platform, where people are able to create and show self-projects.
As we can see, Lucy has all the most important aspects to be a super influential artist around the world. She is an inspiration for other creators and for future generations. In addition, she can be considered as an art guide for those who want to develop a career in this field. For all of these reasons, she and her masterpieces will be remembered and studied in Art books.
Mankind: human beings thought of as a group without reference to sex (humanidad)
Masterpiece: a person's greatest piece of work, as in an art (obra maestra)
Used to: express habitual or accustomed actions, states, etc, taking place in the past but not continuing into the present (solía)
Pioneering: being the earliest in a field of study, activity (pionero)
In accordance with: in a way that agrees with or follows (de acuerdo con)
Renewable (materials): able to be renewed (materiales renovables)
Organic wastes: any material that is biodegradable and comes from either a plant or an animal (desechos orgánicos)
To break the rules: To commit an offense, especially spiritually or morally. To disregard the rules and refuse to conform (Romper las reglas)
Develop: to bring into being or activity; produce (desarrollar)
To achieve: to bring to a successful end (conseguir)
To be keen on: fond of; devoted to (entusiasta de)
Ink: a fluid used for writing or drawing (tinta)
Well known: fully or thoroughly known (conocido)
A range of: a rank, class, or order (una variedad de)