This year
2022 is coming to its end and we would like to take this opportunity to think
over the past and the future. At the beginning of a calendar year, people
usually resolve to accomplish (lograr) a new personal goal for the coming year, to
continue good past practices, or even (incluso) to change their behavior regarding either
themselves or others.
Some of the
most common New Year’s Resolutions are related to sports and physical
condition, such as losing weight (perder peso), getting fitter (mantenerse en forma), and taking more exercise.
Aims related to health are also very ordinary, like eating healthier or
changing diet.
there are lots of resolutions also connected to the way people behave (comportarse) with each
other. For example, people might propose to themselves to stop gossiping (cotillear), to
give someone at least one compliment (cumplido) a day, or to do random acts of kindness,
like helping an elderly across the street or giving up (ceder) their seat on the bus or
train for someone pregnant (embarazado), injured, or aged.
Becoming a
better person is always on everybody’s mind as one of the most common
intentions for the new year. What that actually means to you is completely up
to you (depende de ti), so you may decide to read a book a month, to visit someplace you have
never been to, to go a whole day without checking your mail, to take up (comenzar) a new
hobby, sport or interest or even to stop working out (hacer ejercicio) to be thinner instead of
just to feel good about yourself.
This is an
excellent time to start learning a new foreign language or to retake one that
you already know but haven’t practiced in a while. The language learning offer
is nowadays larger than ever before thanks to the inclusion of new online tools (herramientas) and platforms that allow students to learn, however, whatever and wherever they
The thing
about resolutions has a lot to do with learning a new language because both of
them require tons of discipline and consistency. There are lots of ways of
learning a new language, but you need to choose the one that suits you better.
If you aren’t used to studying, (si no estás acostumbrado a estudiar) have been for a long time without doing so, or
just find it really difficult to save some of your free time for that, then an
English course could fit you more than an online course, where you don’t have
any specific timetable or group tasks.
However, if
you’ve got lots of free time and are looking forward to improving (estas deseando mejorar) your English
or start learning a new language online this coming year, this is some advice
you could use:
● Make sure you
set time aside (dejar tiempo para) every week in order to spend it studying, two or three times a
week could work.
● Take notes and
solve all of your questions through the contact media provided for it or by searching
for information on the internet.
● Use all the
tools available for you and take advantage of every activity and explanation.
It’s time to start fulfilling (lograr) and awaiting projects and plans! Take all the new year’s beginning energy and focus it on your next project. You may go on holidays somewhere you haven’t even dreamt about before, finally dare to (atreverse a) achieve something you thought you’d never do, or just get back to doing whatever activity you were willing to!
Ahora que te hemos dado una pista, no lo dudes y pregunta por nuestras clases de inglés en Madrid y nuestros cursos de Aptis online! No lo dudes mas y rengánchate al inglés con Answer Idiomas.